Sunday, May 30, 2010

OTS In the oven

Its been a week since I left Mumbai and landed in Amravati for my summer internship.I am currently working on a project which has been funded by IFAD (channeled through the Government of Maharashtra) and SRTT (the organisation that I am interning with). The Project known as 'Convergence of Agricultural Interventions in Maharashtra' is also known as 'CAIM' (pronounced as Kayam which means forever in Marathi). The idea is that the farmers in Vidharbha will be kayam sukhi ( the sukhi comes from the 'Sukhi Baliraja Initiative' of SRTT which was dovetailed into CAIM) meaning 'forever in peace' after this project. Amen.
I am working out of the divisional Commissioner's office. The Additional Commissioner is the Project Director. Since he is busy with other matters of the State, they have appointed a Additional Project Director to carry out the day to day work of the Project.
First impressions of the district are fairly positive. Its hot but then its a national phenomena these days. Ever since Pratibha Patil was made the President of the Country, Amravati has undergone a positive change in terms of infrastructure. Her son is the MLA of this district.Since we work and stay in the part of Amravati which houses government offices and residences of all IAS and IPS officers, the roads are wide, well lit and maintained.
My project involves a lot of travel including a trip to Mumbai. First visit is on Tuesday which is to Hingoli. The purpose is to study a dal mill which is also involved in its own marketing.
Overall, its a decent project which allows me to explore Vidharbha and also study the working of IAS officers. That is a good enough output for two months.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

The Year that was

The third term exams got over yesterday. With that the first year at IRMA gets over. Just one more week and then I am off home.
Its been a different year to say the least. I came here with a bag full of clothes and dreams. Leaving with a bag full of clothes and some more dreams.
This was the most "learning" year for me. And most of it was related to ME and not to academics. I thought I had fewer weaknesses but life here revealed so many of them that I am kept busy working on them.
The highlight of the year was the two months that I spent in Toranmal and the Tata Crucible Finals in Mumbai. Both of them will remain etched in my memory for a long time to come.
I also realised that a vacation with family would never be so joyful as it turned out to be in September. The biggest disappoint was on loosing out on people who were extremely close to me. I am still coming to terms on those issues. But then life was never a smooth bed of roses.
All in all, its been a "different" year. A year that has definitely made me more stronger and more eager to take on the world.